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Blade Wear Scar Morphologies

Time:2021-01-06 21:12:33  From:  Author:


The surface(top) and cross-section (bottom) images of the blade tips rubbed against as-and salt-sprayed coatings are shown in Fig.1. When the linear speed was 300 m/s(Fig.1a,b), both coatings adhered to the blades. However, the blade tip rubbing against the as-sprayed coating received considerable adhesion of coating material to the blade, which was highly uneven. Thus, the resulted blade height variation was large with a small blade weight gain(Table 1).

Table 1 High-speed rubbing test results


At a rubbing rate of 350 m/s, when the single-pass depth was low(Fig.1c,d), adhesion of coating material to the blade and overheating regions was found on the blade tip rubbed against the as-sprayed coating. When the blade rubbed against the corroded coating, no adhesion of coating material to the blade was found on the blade tip and furrows, of which some with considerable depths were observed. When the single-pass depth was high(Fig.1e,f), the blade tip rubbing against the as-sprayed coating underwent adhesion of the coating material to the blade and a small overheating area. However, rubbing against the corroded coating resulted in a large overheating area, as demonstrated by the colour change from oxidation.Many deep furrows were observed on the blade tip.


Fig.1 Surface and cross-section morphologies of the blade tip rubbed against as-sprayed (a) and corroded coatings(b) , as-sprayed(c) and corroded coatings(d) , and as-sprayed (e) and corroded coatings(f) .



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