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商品名称:Self adhesive composite powder - Product Introduction
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Powder:Nickel coated composite powder

powder type:SY-331

Composition(%):Al:9.0~11.0  Ni:Bal.

Properties and Applications:Melting point: 660 ( Al );hardness: HRB=70~80℃; strong self adhesive , good in

Exothermic, antioxidant below 815 ℃, molten metal resistant , thermal shock resistance, adhesive wear. Mainly used

as the adhesive bottom layer and the middle coating.Also can be used as high temperature oxidation resistant

coatings, thermal shock resistance of coating, adhesive wear coating or sealing coating.For internal combustion

engine valve spool and a valve port channel, at the top of the piston, crankshaft, turbine blade, a combustion

chamber, metallurgical roll, mold and repair parts.

Particle size distribution(目): 140~320


Powder:Nickel coated composite powder

powder type:SY-332

Composition(%):Al:17.0~20.0  Ni:Bal.

Properties and Applications:
Melting point: 660 ( Al ): hardness:HRB=70~80℃;  strong self adhesive , good in Exothermic, antioxidant below 815

℃, molten metal resistant , thermal shock resistance, adhesive wear. Mainly used as the adhesive bottom layer and

the middle coating.Also can be used as high temperature oxidation resistant coatings, thermal shock resistance of

coating, adhesive wear coating or sealing coating.For internal combustion engine valve spool and a valve port

channel, at the top of the piston, crankshaft, turbine blade, a combustion chamber, metallurgical roll, mold and

repair parts.

Particle size distribution(目):140~320


Powder:Al-Ni-Al composite powder

powder type:SY-333

Composition(%):Al:13.0~16.0  Ni:Bal.

Properties and Applications:Melting point:660(Al) ℃;hardness:HRB=70~80;strong self adhesive , good in

Exothermic, antioxidant below 815 ℃, molten metal resistant , thermal shock resistance, adhesive wear. Mainly used

as the adhesive bottom layer and the middle coating.Also can be used as high temperature oxidation resistant

coatings, thermal shock resistance of coating, adhesive wear coating or sealing coating.For internal combustion

engine valve spool and a valve port channel, at the top of the piston, crankshaft, turbine blade, a combustion

chamber, metallurgical roll, mold and repair parts.

Particle size distribution(目):140~320 





Powder:Nickel coated composite powder

powder type:SY-336

Composition(%):Ni:85.0  Al:7.0  Si,Ti:Bal

Properties and Applications:strong self adhesive , good in Exothermic;Can be used as adhesive coating.

Particle size distribution(目):140~300





Powder:Nickel coated composite powder

powder type:SY-337

Composition(%): Ni:95.0  Al:5.0

Properties and Applications:Exothermic self adhesive materials;Oxidation resistance, thermal shock resistance.As a

bond coating or coating.

Particle size distribution(目):140~260




Powder:Al-Ni-Al composite powder

powder type:SY-351

Composition(%):Cr:17.0-19.0  Al:5.5-6.5  Ni:Bal
Properties and Applications:Melting point:660(Al) ℃;hardness:HRB=85~95.Good resistance to high temperature
(<980℃)、Antioxidant and atmospheric corrosion resistance; suitable for spraying exhaust muffler parts, heat

treatment jig, exhaust valve and high temperature gap control components, especially suitable for ceramic coating


Particle size distribution(目):150~300







Powder:Ni-Cr-Al-Co composite powder

powder type:SY-352

Composition(%):Al:6.0  Co:6.0  Ni-Cr:Bal.

Properties and Applications:Melting point:660(Al) ℃;hardness:HRB=65~75。High bonding strength, resistance to high

temperature oxidation and corrosion of SO2 coating or ceramic coating layer. In a gas turbine engine and jet engines

used as resistance to high temperature of 800-1100 DEG C antioxidant coating and thermal barrier ceramic coated with

an adhesive layer.

Particle size distribution(目):120~320






Powder:Ni-Cr-Al-Co-YSZ composite powder

powder type:SY-353

Composition(%):Cr:14.0-16.0  Co:5.0-6.0  Al:4.0-5.5  Y2O3:1.5-2.0  Others:4.0-5.0  Ni:Bal

Properties and Applications:Melting point:660(Al) ℃;hardness:HRB=65~75.For the high temperature oxidation

resistance coatings or thermal barrier coating bonded to the bottom layer.

Particle size distribution(目):140~320;-280







Powder:Ni-Cr-Al-YSZ composite powder

powder type:SY-354

Composition(%):Al:6.0  Y2O3:2.0  Ni-Cr:Bal

Properties and Applications:Melting point:660(Al) ℃;hardness:HRB=65~75.A good combination of strength; resistance

to high temperature oxidation and corrosion coating for SO2 work; antioxidant coating and thermal barrier ceramic

coating layer.

Particle size distribution(目):120~320






Contact :Wang Shansong



Mailing address:北京科技大学32-505         邮    编:100083

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Composite  Powders  Series
Composite Powders