Start date: 2012-09-09
End date: 2012-09-13
Site specific: Istanbul,Turkey
Host unit: EFC European Federation of Corrosion
Contact person: Ms. Elif Unsal
TEL: ++ 90 312 219 57 00 / 335
FAX: ++ 90 312 219 57 01
abstract:Turkish Corrosion Association has committed, with great enthusiasm, to host the most important European event for corrosion science and engineering, EUROCORR 2012. We are also very happy to organize this meeting in Istanbul, one of the World's most important cities, lying between and embracing two Continents, Asia and Europe and separated with one of the World's most beautiful straits; Bosphorus.
Corrosion not only causes nearly 2,000 billion dollars worth of damage for the inhabitants of our planet each year but also severely endangers their safety. This concept thus constitutes the main theme of our conference "Safer World Through Better Corrosion Control". In Turkey the relentless geographical reality of earthquakes are not forgiving of recklessness and indifference to corrosion protection.
Istanbul is a splendid setting for dissemination of new knowledge and intense exchange of ideas and information on corrosion and corrosion protection between scientists and technical executives and professionals from all over the world.
The conference programme, including oral and poster presentations, also features workshops covering hottest topics through the active involvement and contribution of all interested parties and plenary and invited lectures from the most distinguished scientists.
On the occasion of EUROCORR 2012, I am proud and honoured to invite you to Istanbul where old and new, traditional and modern, reality and mystery harmoniously intertwined with each other. Istanbul is welcoming you and hoping that your stay will be both scientifically and personally an exciting experience.