Suspension and solution thermal spray coatings
Surface & Coatings Technology
Pawlowski, L
The emerging methods of coating deposition by suspension and solution thermal spraying are described. The liquid suspensions of fine powders and liquid precursors are injected into flames and/or jets generated in the torches. The formulation and stability of suspensions as well as the methods of fine powders synthesis are briefly described. Typical solutions, being often the liquid organo-metallics are also briefly described. An important problem of injection of liquids into jets and flames is then presented. Two principal modes of injection, used at present, are outlined, i.e.: (i) atomization; and, (ii) injection of a continuous jet. Subsequently, the phenomena occurring in flames and plasmajets are discussed and the major differences to these occurring during conventional spraying are stressed up. The build up of coatings starting from the impact of fine particles on the substrate is described and typical microstructures of suspension and solution sprayed coatings are shown. Some properties of the sprayed coatings, including mechanical. electrical, chemical, and thermophysical ones are collected and presented. Finally, the emerging applications of coatings are shown and the possible future applications are discussed.