Thermal spraying of billets and fiber prepregs for semi-solid forming of metal matrix composites
Surface & Coatings Technology
Silber, M ;Wenzelburger, M ;Gadow, R
The use of thermal spray processes with subsequent material densification by semi-solid fort-ning can yield advantages for manufacturing of metal matrix composites (MMC) compared to well-established manufacturing methods like spray forming or diffusion bonding. The main challenges of this method lie in well defined process temperatures during material deposition and forming, handling of the material during the processes, microstructure of the semi-finished matrix, and economical efficiency of the process chain. Particulate reinforcement of light metal matrix material is mainly aimed on improvement of mechanical properties at elevated temperatures, e.g. wear behavior, creep resistance, yield and tensile strength. Composite formation for particle reinforced metals (PRM) by thermal spraying with the arc wire system is achieved by simultaneous deposition of matrix and reinforcement by means of cored wires. Unidirectional (UD) fiber reinforced MMC yield highest specific mechanical properties and can be processed by winding of a continuous fiber strand and coating of the fiber layer by arc wire spraying with wires from light alloy matrix material or by plasma spraying with mixed powders. The coating process can be simultaneous to the winding process or in a separate step for prepreg manufacturing with shape and fiber content adapted to the final component geometry and load case. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
keywords:light metal MMC particle reinforcement UD fiber reinforcement thermal spraying thixoforming