Fabrication and Characterization of HA/SiO2 Coatings by Gas Tunnel Plasma Spraying
Transactions of JWRI
Fused silica powder has been mixed with hydroxyapatite (HA) powder and plasma sprayed by using a gas tunnel-type plasma jet. The influence of silica content (10 Wt. % and 20 Wt. %) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of HA-silica coatings was investigated. The spraying was carried out on a SUS 304 substrate in an atmospheric chamber. Scanning electron microscope micrographs of cross-sectioned HA/SiO2 coatings showed that the sprayed samples of 10 and 20 wt.% silica have dense structure with low porosity as well as higher abrasive wear resistance compared to pure HA coatings. As the amount of silica was increased, the coatings become denser, harder and exhibited higher abrasive wear resistance compared to the pure HA coatings.
keywords:(Microstructure); (Hardness); (Hydroxyapatite/SiO2); (Plasma Spraying); (Abrasive Wear)