Biaxial residual stress states of plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium alloy substrate
Y.C. Yang, Edward Chang, B.H. Hwang, S.Y. Lee
Biaxial residual stress states of plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings (HACs) on titanium alloy substrate as a function of plasma power, powder feed rate and coating thickness were studied by X-ray &sin ' method. The Young'smodulus of hydroxyapatite(HA),required for the stress analysis, was measured from the separated free coating by three-point bending test method. It was found that the directions of principal stresses were in proximity to and perpendicular ...Moreto the spraying direction. The measured Young's moduli of HACs were much lower than the theoretical value reported. The denser, well-melted HAC exhibited a higher residual stress, as compared with the less dense, poor-melting HAC. The denser coatings could be e!ected by higher plasma power and lower powder feed rate. Signi"cantly, the thicker 200 m HAC exhibited higher residual stress than that of the thinner 50 m HAC. The implications
of residual stress in HAC for biomaterials are discussed in detail.
keywords:denser; plasma power; coating thickness; Biaxial; stress states; alloy substrate; powder feed; HACs; coatings on titanium; principal stresses; spraying direction; higher residual