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Contribution to the Analytical Characterization of Coatings Produced by Thermal Spraying

Time:2012-11-27 08:22:39  From:Microchimica Acta  Author:Susanne Bredendiek-Kamper,Holg

Contribution to the Analytical Characterization of Coatings Produced by Thermal Spraying

Susanne Bredendiek-Kamper,Holger Jenett,Henning Bubert
Microchimica Acta

This paper reports on the use of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)/ depth profile analysis for the investigation of plasma-sprayed coatings. Prior to spraying the St 37 substrates are heated to 300~ or 500~ for ceramic or metallic layers, respectively. Studies of the starting materials and of the interfaces are important if the adhesion mechanism is to be understood. Therefore the initial components--the unheated and heated substrates and the powder parti- cles NiCrA1, AI20 3and ZrO2-7.25Y203--a...Morere analyzed. Depth profiles obtained from two coatings St 37/NiCrA1 and St 37/A1203 show the influence of plasma- spraying on substrate surfaces and sprayed particles. Plasma-spraying mainly causes a decrease of superficial carbon contamination for both coating layers. In the case of St 37/NiCrA1 incorporation of carbon in the sprayed layer is observed. The whole layer is almost completely oxidized except for some areas where substrate and particle material are present. It is assumed that these areas are identical with so-called adherence zones.

keywords:coating, plasma-spraying, Auger, A1203, ZrO2-7.25Y203, NiCrA1, St 37


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