The Correlation Between the Coating Quality and the Moving Direction of the Twin Wire Arc Spraying Gun
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
W. Tillmann ;E. Vogli ;M. Abdulgader
Asymmetric melting behavior of the electrodes is a process-related feature of the twin wire arc spraying (TWAS) technique since the heating of the negative wire is different from that of the positive wire. The asymmetric melting behavior, particle crossover, irregular plume shape, and last but not least the arc voltage fluctuations affect the spraying jet on the whole and lead to an inhomogeneous plume. To investigate the effect of inhomogeneous spraying plume on coating characteristics, coatings were produced by moving the spraying gun in different directions, with respect to the electrodes. The porosity, micro-cracks, hardness, thickness, and adhesion strength of the sprayed coatings were measured and brought in correlation with the gun moving direction. In this study, two different wire types were investigated in order to find out the effect of the spraying gun moving direction on the coating quality.
keywords:Cored wires Features of TS coatings Gun moving direction Particle characteristics Spraying plume Twin wire arc spraying