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Development Tendencies of the Very Low Pressure Plasma Spraying and Deposition Technology

Time:2014-03-11 09:53:16  From:CNKI  Author:GAO Yang

         Abstract:Very low pressure plasma spraying and deposition (VLPPSD)is a new technology which was developed on the basis of conventional low pressure plasma spray (usually camber pressure from 5000 to 8000Pa)to make the very low camber pressure below 100 Pa by using the lager capability pumps and plus a high powers plasma torch higher than 150 kW. The powder particles were heated to liquid and even evaporation in such high temperature and low pressure plasma jets. This technology is combined with the conventional low pressure plasma spray formed coatings through the solidification and PVD formed coatings by the evaporation deposition,which can prepared a especial structural coatings different from plasma spray or PVD. This article will introduce VLPPSD and development tendencies and a new facility of VLPPSD developed by Dalian Maritime University.
Keywords: Plasma spray;Low pressure plasma;PVD;Coatings


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