Abstract:Since the increase in density will increase the performance of powder metallurgy (PM) product, high density forming is therefore, an important research and direction in powder metallurgy. New PM forming technolo-gy and novel materials will accelerate the development of the high technology industries and eventually bring a bright future for the materials engineering and the manufacturing technology. This paper focused in the modern develop-ment of high density forming technology in powder metallurgy industries in the last decade. The principles, charac-teristics, applications and developments of warm compaction, Warm flow compaction, die-wall lubrication, high ve-locity compaction, dynamic magnetic compaction, explosion compaction and spark plasma sintering technology were discussed.
Key words:powder metallurgy; high density forming; warm compaction; warm flow compaction; die-wall lubr-ication; high velocitycompaction; dynamic magnetic compaction; explosion compaction; spark plasma sintering tech-nology