Abstract: The history of protective coatings for superalloys is traced, and the traditional high temperature protective coatings presently used in gas turbine airfoils are described,including diffusion coatings, MCrAlY overlay coatings and thermal barrier coatings. Several new concept coatings, such as microcrystalline coating, equilibrium coating (EQ coating), functionally graded coatings and smart coatings, and glass- based high temperature coatings are briefly introduced.
Recent progresses in high temperature protective coatings are reviewed, including oxidation and /or corrosion resistant coatings, thermal barrier coatings and diffusion barrier coatings. The most fruitful progresses achieved were in the field of thermal barrier coatings, not only promising top ceramic materials but also advanced processing routes have been extensively investigated. Finally the development prospect of high temperature protective coatings is also discussed.
Key words: high-temperature protective coating, thermal barrier coating, review