Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of TiCrN Coating Deposited on a Steel Substrate by the Arc-ion Plating Method
D. B. Lee, M. H. Kim, S. C. Kwon
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
The cyclic oxidation behavior of a TiCrN coating deposited on a steel substrate was studied at 700, 800, 900 and 1000oC in atmospheric air, by repetitively exposing the specimen to thermal cycles of 2 hr-heating and subsequent quenching to room temperature. The coating displayed good cyclic oxidation resistance up to 800oC, with relatively small weight gains, but above 900oC, the coating displayed a drastic diminishment o in oxidation resistance, accompanied by large weight gains. Cracks were observed particularly above 900 C throughout the oxide scale that consists of TiO2, Cr2O3 and/or Fe2O3.
keywords:ion plating; Oxidation; Iron; Coating; Nitride; TiCrN