A low-cost method for producing high-performance nanocomposite thin-films made from silica and CNTs on cellulose substrates
Emanuela Callone, Julia M. Fletcher, Giovanni Carturan
Journal of Materials Science
abstract:We show that thin lms of silica loaded with 22 wt% of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be deposited on cellulose substrate via the sol gel route by a well-con- trolled process. The high loadings are obtained by airbrush spraying of a diluted sol solution (which contained a much smaller concentration of CNTs) followed by drying at 200 C. The lms are nearly continuous despite the brous structure of the substrate. The high degree of connectivity of the stranded structure of the CNTs yields a specic electrical conductivity of 3 9 103 X- m- . In contrast, 1 1 lms made with high loadings of carbon black have poor electrical conductivity. Results from mechanical tensile tests of samples are also reported. This economical method of producing CNT dispersed thin lms could nd appli- cation in catalysis, as electrodes in fuel cells and batteries, and in sensor technologies.
keywords:nanocomposite; coatings and powders;