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the Chrome Steel Wire Arc Spray Process

Time:2019-06-10 21:01:52  From:  Author:

 Nowadays wire arc spraying of chromium steel has gained an important market share for corrosion and wear protection applications. In order to optimize the process parameters and to evaluate the effect of the spray parameters DoE based experiments have been carried out as well.. the effects of the process parameters of spray current, voltage and atomizing gas pressure on the particle jet properties of mean particle velocity and mean particle temperature as well as plume width are presented. To monitor these values the AccuraSpray™ system was used. The properties of the coatings with regard to morphology, composition and phase formation are included as well. The investigation and improvement of coating properties subjected to different wire arc spray parameters requires the knowledge of the droplet formation and particle properties, e.g. particle temperature or particle velocity to meet the demands of the industry on high quality coatings. Thus, the droplet formation, particle temperature, particle velocity and plume width of solid wire chrome (Cr) steel (X46Cr13) spraying was researched as well as the surface roughness using Design of Experiment (DoE) based experiments in combination with online process monitoring, high speed cameras and a modern arc spray system.


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