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Application and Research of New Thermal Spraying Technology in Engine Friction-reduction Performance

Time:2014-03-31 07:59:41  From:CNKI  Author:WANG Gang,JIAO Meng-wang,LI He

ABSTRACT: Objective To study the structure and tribological behavior of the new coating which was a complex of thermal spraying and shot peening. Methods The new coating was prepared on the surface of friction pair. To observe the structure of surface and cross section,the metallographic analysis and SEM were conducted. A series of tests were carried out on the size,hardness,friction coefficient and engine bench for the original and new parts.Results The surface morphology was significantly improved,but as for the membrane microstructure,the improvement was not obvious. The results were as follows: the coating had weak effect on the size and hardness of the parts,the kinetic friction coefficient increased slightly from 0. 142 to 0. 152 and had better stability,the engine performance and fuel efficiency declined. Conclusion Combining the property of thermal spraying and shot peening,competitive coating could be obtained through parameter adjustments on the compound process and the new coating will be a promising technology for surface treatment.

KEY WORDS: thermal spraying and shot peening; composite technology; surface topography; kinetic friction coefficient



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