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The bond strength of Al–Si coating on mild steel by kinetic spraying deposition

Time:2013-06-30 13:23:00  From:Applied Surface Science  Author:Jingwei Wu,Jianguo Yang,Hongyu

Abstract:Kinetic spraying (or cold gas dynamic spraying) works by accelerating small solid particles to supersonic velocities, and then impacting them onto a substrate. These high impact velocities, and low particle temperatures are the principal attributes of kinetic spraying technology. However, only recently has this technology's interfacial behavior, due to particle/substrate impaction, become well understood. In order to investigate the particle/substrate bond behavior, Al–Si feedstock was deposited onto mild steel, over a range of particle velocities; next, their respective coating bond strengths were measured by the stud pull coating adherence test. The effects of the particle velocity and the substrate surface roughness on the coating bond strength were presented, and a model of the particle/substrate bond generation was discussed in an effort to estimate the bond strength.

Keywords:Kinetic spraying;Cold gas dynamic spraying;Bond strength;High velocity impact


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