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C:N coatings

Time:2019-09-16 14:07:14  From:  Author:

 Generally, when such a coating is thick, there is a high intrinsic stress that causes susceptibility to delamination and reduces the adhesive strength with a substrate. Consequently, the application of ta-C films has so far been limited to tribological applications. However, the multicycle plasma coating technique was recently used to produce a single-layer ta-C coating with a thickness of as much as 9.5 μm4.

Nitrogen doping of a ta-C:N coating helps to overcome the challenges of their application to conductive materials5-10. This is because the nitrogen doping appropriately adjusts the sp2/sp3 ratio of the coating. In our previous work, micron-thick ta-C:N coatings with different nitrogen contents were deposited by the FCVA technique, and their mechanical and electrical properties were investigated. We were able to control the hardness of the thick ta-C:N coatings within 25–65 GPa, and achieve an electrical resistance of 10 Ω/square11. However, the tribological properties of nitrogen-doped ta-C:N coatings with thickness of up to 1 μm are yet to be investigated.


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