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Laser cladding

Time:2019-09-04 20:12:24  From:  Author:

 Laser cladding is an additive manufacturing process that utilizes a laser to metallurgical bond performance coatings to a product's base material, which is used to produce metallurgical well–bonded and much higher quality coating by the advantages of reduced production time, enhanced thermal control, small heat–affected–zone (HAZ), high satisfactory repair of parts, and production of a functionally graded part . A major application of laser cladding is in the repair and refurbishment of high–value components such as tools, turbine blades, gas turbine and internal combustion engine parts, as well as various components of a military nature. One distinct disadvantage of laser cladding, however, is that the high heat input results in tensile residual stress,decreased micro–hardness and loose structure in the bonding zone of the cladding coating, which will have a detrimental effect on mechanical properties and fatigue life of the repaired high–value components by laser cladding .



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