Metal-Metal Nanocomposite Coatings with Enhanced Mechanical Properties
Adrian Leyland, Allan Matthews
IGR Report
The EPSRC Individual Grant Review Form (which this report accompanied) pertained to expenditure incurred at Sheffield University during the period 01/10/03 to 31/07/04. However, project GR/N03495 was originally issued at Hull University, with a value of 160,870, for an intended 36 month period (01/06/00 to 31/05/03). The project was subsequently extended by three months at Hull to 31/08/03 (within the same agreed budget), to accommodate a 36-month PhD studentship appointment (Mr. C. Tsotsos) mad...Moree on 01/09/00. A move by both investigators from Hull to Sheffield University in January 2003 instigated a project transfer, which in effect occurred on 01/06/03, shortly after the original end date (once Hull s final expenditure statement was lodged with EPSRC). There was however some further overlap, mainly to allow the PhD student at Hull to complete. Having gained his PhD award, the student subsequently transferred to Sheffield (as a PDRA) on the balance of funds available ( 12,284), from 01/10/03 until the new project end date of 31/07/04. Since the large majority of expenditure on GR/N03495 occurred at Hull, this report reflects the research work performed at both Sheffield and Hull, between June 2000 and June 2004 (when the PDRA appointment at Sheffield ceased). Furthermore, it should be noted that, subsequent to the award of GR/N03495 at Hull, Dr. M.A. Baker of Surrey University obtained funding under Fast Stream award GR/R07981, to characterise, primarily by XPS and TEM, some of the coatings produced in this project. Both parties gained mutually- beneficial collaboration from this parallel funding provision (between 16/07/01 and 15/01/03) and, in discussing our project outcomes below, we acknowledge the input of the Surrey team in developing an improved understanding of the structure- property relationships in our metal nanocomposite coatings.
keywords:Thermal barrier coatings; months; IGR Report; Mr Tsotsos; PDRA ; Plasma spray