In modern production , ow ing to high cost ,laser cladding technique , w hich mainly plays an impo rtant role in dealing w ith key parts from fields such as aviation industry , aerospace industry and etc, is not easily to be used in ordinary industries.Ox ygen-acetylene spray ing fusing technique has its ow n sho rtcomings including g reat therm al affection on base, a severe ox ygenation and burning loss of coating and unstable quality resulting from factors caused by men .In order to meet simultaneously the demands for lower cost , less therm al affection and stronger bonding pow er , high-frequency induction cladding technique w as developed .By w idely consulting the relevant data , we discovered that relevant reports o n this research were few and incomplete .In some relev ant documents , any details of technical process , were not discussed w hile coatings were almost completely prepared by thermal spraying befo re induction cladding w hose induction frequency w as about 10kHz. Induction cladding of coating has its special distribution principle of eddy current .The thickness of coating by induction heating should be controlled w ithin skin depth and the eddy current in coating drops from surface to interior according to exponential principle and then a sudden change of eddy current on interface appears .
