Abstract:This paper systematically analyzes the characteristics of commonly-used sufarce treatment technologies such as nitriding, chrome plating,APS (Air Plasma Spraying) and High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF), in the protection of sector plates mounted on the coil drums of decoilers in hot rolled planishingmills.HVOF technology has the advantage offending the coating layer with high bonding strength, good hardness, good ablation resistance, low porosity and good reusability. Based on that advantage of HVOF technology, this paperfoces on two kinds of spraying powder,WC-12Co and WC-CrC-N,i studies the microscopic morphology, hardness, deposition and abrasion resistance of samples coated respectively from differentangles of0°,15°and30°, and determines the ideal coating powder and optimized processing parameters,which has achieved excellent results in the actual surface treatment of sector plates.
Key words:Sector plate of decoiler; high velocity oxygen fuel(HVOF); coating; process optimization