The research interest towards developing carbon fber-based composites is another allied area. Some reports on carbon fber composites can be referred to for a review of UHTCs involving a carbon phase despite not being related directly to the current work . The sintering of multiphase ceramics, as with the ZrB2-SiC case, develops thermal residual stresses during cooling, whereas the aggregate strength and grain size are affected by the SiC fraction and particle size .
The next challenge in the fabrication of SiCf/SiC is to produce near theoretical densifcation with negligible porosity. Composites with an architecture encompassing fabrics or fbers as reinforcement need to be infltrated with a sufcient amount of matrix using a single or hybrid processing route. Recently, Yoon et al. reported the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique to be an effective, economical, and timesaving method to infltrate particulate slurry into a preform under an applied electric feld . The infltrated SiC fabrics can then be stacked further with layers of SiC green tape to control the composite macro-architecture by carefully controlling the volume fraction of the matrix and reinforcement.