Plasma spray is a versatile and efficient technique to fabricate various coatings on surfaces with different sizes and shapes. It is widely applied in diverse industries, including medical, automotive and aerospace fields. Moreover, plasma spray deposition is a new technique for fabrication of near-net-shape components. Tului et al. have done some work on the fabrication of ZrB2–SiC composite coatings using controlled atmosphere plasma spray (CAPS) at low pressure (400 mbar) and high pressure (2000 mbar), respectively. They found that substantial loss of SiC due to thermal decomposition during deposition could be inhibited to some extend under high pressure of inert gas.
MoSi2 has excellent oxidation-resistant property at hightemperature, no matter as bulk or coating materials, for the development of a protective silica-based surface layer .It has also been added to the ZrB2-based bulk material and resultantly led to improved oxidation-resistant property of the composite ceramics. MoSi2 coatings fabricated by low pressure plasma spray (LPPS) also showed a dense microstructure and excellent oxidation-resistance at high temperature.
