Influence of chemical composition on dielectric properties of Al2O3 and ZrO2 plasma deposits
Pavel Ctibor, Josef Sedlacek, Karel Neufuss
Ceramics International
Aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide and their mixture were plasma sprayed by a water-stabilized plasma gun. Resulting deposits were studied as dielectrics. Capacity and loss factor were measured for the frequency range 200–106 Hz and relative permittivity was calculated. Electric resistance was also measured and volume resistivity calculated for all studied materials. It was proved that dielectric behavior of plasma sprayed oxide ceramics like alumina- and zirconia-based materials at ...Morelow voltage follows the expectations based on the knowledge of dielectric behavior of sintered ceramics.
keywords:Plasma spray; D. Al2O3; C. Dielectric properties; D. ZrO2; C. Electrical properties