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Effect of spray distance on deposition efficiency and abrasive wear properties of WC10Co4Cr coating sprayed by high velocity oxygen fuel spray

Time:2013-08-05 09:35:45  From:CNKI  Author:ZHOU Wu-xi, LI Yu-xi, LI Song-

  Abstract: Three WC10Co4Cr coatings were prepared by high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spray with various spraying distance (380, 340 and 300 mm) using agglomerated and sintered WC10Co4Cr powder with particle size range of -45~+15μm. The coatings properties were characterized by means of optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM), microhardness measurements and so on. The results indicate that with the spray distance decrease, WC10Co4Cr coating’s porosity decreases, microhardness increases, abrasive wear resistance enhances;spray distance from 300 mm to 380 mm has slightly effect on phase nature of the coatings, WC, W2C and small amount of amorphous phase are detected in the three sprayed coatings; spray distance from 300 mm to 340 mm has slightly effect on coatings microhardness and abrasive wear resistance. Abrasive wear mechanism and effect of different spray distance on the abrasive wear resistance properties of the WC10Co4Cr coating were also discussed, combining with the microstructure of the central site of wear area, the physical property of the spray and the changement of the surface roughness.
  Key words: thermal spray; cemented carbide; WC10Co4Cr; abrasive wear; deposition efficiency


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