Abstract:For the purpose of selecting an effective oranic coating to prevent aluminium alloy components from corrosion inmarine atmosphere, two types of advanced coatings known as the IMR11 nano-concen-trates composite coating(nanocomposite coating)and the SEBF-2modifiedmelten epoxy composite coating (epoxycomposite coating)were experimently evaluated foraluminum alloys such asLD5,LY11 and ZL402 respectively.For evaluation of the bonding strengh between the coating andAl substrate and corrosion resistance tomarine atmosphere of the coated alloys, tensile tes,t bend test and accelerated salt spray test were conducted.The results show that the nanocomposite coating ismuch compatible to the aluminum alloy components rather than the epoxycomposite coating.
Keywords:aluminum alloy; epoxycomposite coating; nanocomposite coating; evaluation