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In situ Al–4.5%Cu–xTiB2composite’s X-ray Diffraction Analysis for Intermetallic Phase Identification

Time:2021-11-20 09:55:02  From:  Author:

In the present study, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed to verify the presence of the reinforcement and other phases in the specimen by using Bruker AXS diffractometer D8 X-ray diffractometer machine. Here, the as-received and preheated titanium and disks of the extruded rods were subjected to CuKaradiation with a scanning speed of 0.1 s/step. Furthermore, in Fig.1, in situ Al–4.5%Cu–xTiB2composite’s XRD pattern has been illustrated, which evidently shows TiB2reinforcement formation, and peaks representing TiB2particles which are seen to intensify in the graph with increase in the TiB2 particles weight fraction within the composite. Moreover, along with TiB2, A l2Cu and Al peaks are also discovered within the composite with no sign of the presence of intermetallic compound Al3Ti. This is possible only through cautious governing of the parameters of fabrication process such as the reaction temperature, regular stirring of the mixture, stoichiometric proportion of B/Ti, and the time of reaction.

Fig. 1 Al–4.5%Cu–xTiB2composites XRD analysis for phase identification


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