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Ex situ observations of coating/CMAS interactions

Time:2021-10-08 22:47:29  From:  Author:

Figure 1A is an SEM image (cross-section) of the free-standing APS 2ZrO2·Y2O3(ss) coating after sand-CMASinteraction at 1500°C for 1 hour. Elemental Y, Al, and Camaps (SEM/EDS) of the same region are shown in Figure 1B-D, respectively. The red dashed line in Figure 1Ashows the penetration boundary of the sand-CMAS into the coating, as established using the Ca map. These micrographs show that the sand-CMAS has penetrated only~20lm of the~325 total thickness of the coating.Additional EDS point and area measurements from the unpenetrated region showed a composition that of the initial coating; none of the CMAS constituents could be detected (not shown here).

FIGURE 1Cross-sectional view of 2ZrO2·Y2O3(ss) free-standing APS coating after interaction with sand-CMAS at 1500°C for 1 hour. (A) SEM image (regions“1”and“2”marked) and corresponding EDS elemental maps: (B) Y, (C) Al, and (D) Ca

Figure 2A shows the reaction region at a higher magnification, where two regions can be discerned. Both regions contain globular Y-depletedc-ZrO2(ss) grains and pockets of sand-CMAS glass, but region“2”contains additional rod-like Ca-Y-apatite grains.These phases were identified using TEM and XRD characterization, and the average EDS compositions ofthese phases in regions“1”and“2”are given in Tables 2-4. Figure 2B-D are corresponding elemental Y,Al, and Ca maps (SEM/EDS), respectively. Figures 1 and2 indicate that the 2ZrO2·Y2O3(ss) coating is very effective in arresting sand-CMAS penetration even at the high temperature of 1500°C.

FIGURE 2 Higher magnification cross-sectional view of 2ZrO2·Y2O3(ss) free-standing APS coating after interaction with sand-CMAS at 1500°C for 1 hour. (A) SEM image and corresponding EDS elemental maps: (B) Y, (C) Al, and (D) Ca



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