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Amorphous-polycrystalline potential distribution of the MAO coating

Time:2021-06-03 23:01:52  From:  Author:

Outward-inward 2D topography and potential of the cross section of MAO coatings are imaged in Fig.1. Except for the micro-holes left by MAO discharge, the cross-sectional profiles of MAO-0W(Fig.1A) andMAO-4W(Fig.1C) are relatively smooth after mechanical polishing.According to the potential color scale, the outer potential of MAO-0W(Fig.1B) is slightly higher than the inner potential, while the outward-inward potential of MAO-4W(Fig.1D) has a large potential difference of exceeding 200 mV. The potential distribution of the coating can reflect its micro-couple corrosion in solution, thus MAO-4W is more prone to micro-galvanic corrosion in solution than MAO-0W. Outward-inward potential of the cross section indicates that the W-incorporated TiO2 coatings can induce the chemical activity of the amorphous-polycrystalline microstructure.

Fig. 1. Height topography of the polished cross section: MAO-0W (A) and MAO-4W (C), outward-inward potential of the MAO coatings: MAO-0W (B) and MAO-4W (D). Inset (B) and (D) corresponding potential of the selected line.


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