Based on the discussion above, the compound glass layer consists of the SiO2 glass phase and particulate refractory oxides dispersed therein. To further illustrate this conclusion, the specific elemental composition of the oxidized coating surface was disclosed by the surface EDS analysis spectrum, which is presented in Fig.1. As can be seen, the area of the orange circle, the black region, is rich in Si and O elements, illustrating that this area is SiO2 glass layer that was not covered by the compound glass layer. Even more importantly, most areas were covered by the continuous compound glass layer that is constituted by Ta, Si,O, and B elements. Besides, the presence of B element was not unexpected because B2SiO5 phase was detected in the XRD pattern displayed in Fig.2. Thus, the results of EDS analysis further demonstrated the generation of the Ta-Si-B-O compound glass layer.
Fig.1 Surface EDS spectrum of the 40wt%TaB2-40wt%MoSi2-SiC/SiC coating surface after isothermal oxidation test at 1500 ℃ for 100h.
Fig.2 Surface XRD pattern of the TaB2-MoSi2-SiC coating after oxidation.