Under unlubricated conditions, the friction coefficients and the wear rates of DLC coatings are greatly affected by environment, and the wear resistance of DLC coatings decreases with increasing friction temperature. If DLC-coated samples are used under lubricated conditions, the lubricant can isolate the coatings from the air, which inhibits the untoward effect of environment on the tribological performance of the coatings; furthermore, the flowing liquid lubricant takes away the heat generated during friction and lowers the temperature at the contact surface, which is beneficial to the further improvement of the tribological performance of DLC coatings. BanM. et al. found that lubrication can greatly decrease the friction and wear of DLC coatings. Most of the currently used lubricant additives are designed to interact with ferrous-based surfaces, but for a proper selection of lubricant additives one must know the synergistic action of lubricant additives and coatings materials. Although many components are usually used under lubricated conditions, there still exists some indistinction concerning the tribological behaviors of DLC coatings under lubricated conditions. In order to optimize the lubricated condition and effectively improve the performance of the mechanical parts with DLC coatings, understanding the correlation between the tribological performances of DLC-coated mechanical parts and the lubricated conditions is all-important. Understanding the reaction between lubricant additives and diamond-like carbon coatings is imperative for the improvement of the friction and wear properties of mechanical parts with diamond-like carbon coatings. Diamond-like carbon coatings were deposited with ion beam deposition and the influence of lubricant additives on the friction coefficients and wear rates of diamond-like carbon coatings under the lubricated conditions was studied. The addition of molybdenum dithiocarbamate in PAO-4 base oil decreases the friction coefficients of diamond-like carbon coatings to 0.07, but increases the wear rate of diamond-like carbon coatings. The addition of zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate to PAO-4 can slightly decrease the friction coefficient of diamond-like carbon coatings and improve the wear resistance of diamond-like carbon coatings. The addition of amine sulfuricphosphate diester in PAO-4 can greatly decrease the wear rate of diamond-like carbon coatings to 3 ×1017 m3/(Nm) but has a negligible effect on the friction coefficients of diamond-like carbon coatings.
