Controlling the deposition parameters is an effective method to improve the lifetime of MoS2coating in humid environments[11]. Researchers found that coating with basal plane orientation(002) parallel to substrate had a best tribological performance than that with other orientations. Moreover, basal-oriented coatings are denser than random-oriented ones which can enhance the oxidation resistance of coating in humid [14]. However, this orientation is obtained only in a few cases since most deposition processes results in a random orientation. In the past two decades, metal dopants in MoS2had been studied and reported, which could increase the densification of coating and consequently reduce porosity columnar structure. At the meantime, the hardness ,adhesion strength and tribological performance of the composite coatings were also improved significantly in air over the pure MoS2coating. Among many metals used for alloying (Ti, Pb, Al, Au, Cr), titanium, as the mostpotential candidate from the view of commercial application, that added into molybdenum disulphide can increase the hardness and wear resistance of coating and make it less sensitive to humid envi-ronments. However, the addition of Ti could not give a contribution for ultra-low friction in vacuum. It is well known that Pb is the promising dopant, which is not only because it is an excellent solid lubricant for space, but also because it can facilitate the forma-tion of basally oriented MoS2crystallites during wear process to achieve a long endurance of MoS2coatings. Until now the synergistic effect of co-doped Pb-Ti metals with MoS2coating was still not reported in the literature.
