Due to the poor tribological properties under dry contact, the applications of titanium alloys are restricted in the friction and wear related components. Plasma electrolysis technology, including plasma electrolytic saturation (PES) and plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), has been used to rapidly deposit hard coatings on the titanium alloys through plasma chemical interactions in the aqueous solution, which obviously improves the mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Wherein, hard oxide ceramic coatings can be deposited through the PEO process and the electrolytes are also eco-friendly such as the aluminate-, phosphate-, silicate- and their mixed solutions. However, the porous and rough surfaces of PEO coatings are prone to inducing high friction coefficients, which easily leads to an increased wear of both coupled materials under dry sliding conditions. A coating structure containing the micro-arc oxidation coating sprayed with graphite is fabricated on the Ti6Al4V alloy by Wang et al, which shows a low and steady friction coefficient ∼0.12. Some researchers also utilize the polymer topcoats to improve the friction and wear behavior of porous oxide coatings. Many attempt shave also been made to prepare self-lubricating composite coatings on aluminum and titanium alloys by the one-step PEO process, where in the solid lubricants (e.g. graphite and MoS2) are embedded in the coatings, which can effectively reduce the friction coefficient of PEO coatings.
