Abstract:In order to enhance the electrocatalytic characteristics ofTi/SnO2electrode, a type ofT-i base tin diox-ide electrocatalytic electrodewith nano-coatingwas prepared by the so-lgelmethod and the thermaloxidation tech-niques. Taking phenol as amodelpollutan,t the efficiency ofelectrochemicaldegradation and the service life ofe-lectrodeswas investigated. Additionally, the micrograph of the electrode surface, the particle size of nanometer coating, the elementcomposition ofdifferent layers and the chemicalenvironmentofSn and Sb in the electrode sur-facewere analyzedwith the help ofSEM, XRD andXPS. Itwas found thatthe nano-coating electrodeshave ahigh-er efficiency forphenoldegradation than do electrodeswith a non-nanostructured coating. The degradation tmi e de-creased by 33.3% compared to the phenol.s degradation. The results also showed that the surface of the electrode wasmainly SnO2crystalwith rutile structure and the particle size of the nanometer coatingwas about10 nm.
Key words:Ti/SnO2electrode; electrocatalytic oxidation; pheno;l nano-coating