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 Effect of Ratio of Oxygen and Fuel on Microstructure Performance of WC-17Co Coating Deposition with Denotation Gun Spray Process

Time:2013-05-23 12:13:22  From:CNKI  Author:ZHANG Chui, BAI Hongwu, WANG Q

  Abstract:Four kinds of WC-17Co coatings were deposited on 316L stainless steel with various ratio of oxygen and fuel (O/F) by denotation gun spraying. The structure of the feedstock powder and the coatings were analyzed by XRD. The characterizations of spraying feedstock powder and microstructure of as-sprayed coatings were analyzed by SEM. The hardness,porosity, fracture toughness and abrasive wear resistance were evaluated. The results show that the hardness increases, while fracture toughness, porosity and abrasive wear resistance increase first and then decrease with the increase of ratio of oxygen a nd fuel. The best value of ratio of oxygen and fuel is 1.5 for depositing the WC-17Co coating by denotation-gun spray process.
  Key words:denotation-gun spray; WC-Co; coating; fracture toughness; wear

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