Abstract Thin Nd-Fe-B films prepared by arc-plasma spraying at different substrate temperatures were investigated for their magnetic and structural properties. The isotropic magnets with the best magnetic properties (MHc = 1.2 MAm -1, goMr = 0.6 T, (BH)max = 64 kJ m-3), were obtained after plasma spraying the Nd-Fe-B powders on water-cooled copper substrates and subsequently annealing the films for 0.5 h at 750~ The optimum magnetic properties of the anisotropic Nd-Fe-B films, i.e. MHc= 1.2MAm 1, goMr=0.9Tand (BH)max=180kJm -3, were obtained in films sprayed on to heated to 600~ substrates. The magnetic properties of the sprayed films were strongly influenced by the microstructure. The domain structure of these films is also presented.
Key words: Nd-Fe-B films; properties;