Thermal properties of the plasma-sprayed MgTiO3CaTiO3 and CaTiO3
Karel Neufuss, Alexandra Rudajevova
Ceramics International
The thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of plasma-sprayed materials MgTiO3–CaTiO3 and CaTiO3 were investigated over the range of 20–500 C using the flash method. The thermal diffusivity of both materials decreases with increasing temperature.The thermal conductivity of both materials is nearly the same; with increasing temperature it first decreases and then it increases.The thermal diffusivity was measured at room temperature after annealing up to 800 C. This value inc...Morereased after annealing above 600 C.
keywords:CaTiO3; Coatings; Plasma spraying; MgTiO3–CaTiO3; C. Thermal properties