Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the HVPS system that is described in detail in reference. This comprises of a non-commercial supersonic plasma torch with axial injection (designed and developed by the Laboratory of Plasma and Process of Aeronautics Institute of Technology (LPP-ITA)), the plasma jet velocity is 1200 m/s reaching Mach number of 1.5, the current operational range is 54– 150 A and voltage is 240– 340 V. The system has a liquid (solution/suspension) injection system, a cooling system, a DC power source, and gas supply.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the HVSPS system: (1) Tandem-type plasma torch, (2) peristaltic pump, precursor container and magnetic stirrer, (3) needle valve, (4) solution flowmeter, (5) dynamic sample holder, (6) control and data acquisition system, (7) exhaust system, and (8) atomizer nozzle.