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Ceramic materials

Time:2019-08-10 17:13:07  From:  Author:

 The carbon steel is a key engineering material commonly used in construction, power production, automobile,electrochemical and chemical industries due to its availability at relatively low cost. It possesses exceptional mechanical properties that make it to prefer as a construction material compared to other materials. But the major disadvantage is its susceptible nature for corrosion which limits its service life. Various techniques have been in practice to enhance the corrosion resistance of the steel under different operating conditions. The most advantageous surface protection treatment employed for steel is the coating process with corrosion resistant materials .Surface coating is one such surface engineering process to achieve the desired properties only on the surface withoutaltering the properties at the core of the material. Coatings are, of course, not a new innovation. In olden days peoplehave made organic and in-organic pigments on wood and metals to develop their aesthetic look and environmental stability, but these organic paintings did not endure the high temperature and did not show their adherence to substrate material and resulted less corrosion and erosion resistance. Ceramic materials like metal oxides (Cr2O3, Al2O3, ZrO2, TiO2, etc.) are some of the important coating materials which are found to improve hardness, cavitations wear resistance and corrosion resistance. They are usually used in the applications where high temperature is required simultaneously.



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