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Toxicity of nanoparticulate and bulk ZnO, Al2O3 and TiO2 to the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Time:2019-05-07 18:04:53  From:  Author:

 Nanoparticles (NPs) have unique physicochemical properties such as tiny size, large surface area, surface reactivity, charge, shape, and media interactions. As a result, the properties of NPs differ substantially from their respective bulk materials of the same composition. However, certain novel properties of NPs could lead to adverse biological effects, with the potential to create toxicity. The forecasted huge increase in the manufacture and use of NPs makes it likely that increasing human and environmental exposure to NPs will occur. thus, the studies on safety and (eco)toxicity of NPs are of extreme importance.

Metal oxide nanoparticles are receiving increasing attention for a large variety of applications. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide NPs are included in toothpaste, beauty products, sunscreens and textiles. Aluminum oxide having good dielectric and abrasive properties is widely used as an abrasive agent or insulator. The concerns of metal oxide NPs are that because of their chemistry, size, and being not biodegradable, they will rapidly distribute throughout the environment with unknown consequences. Until now little is known about the potential toxicity of metal oxide NPs in soil and water. Given the well-known toxicity of the ionic forms of many metals, the solubility of metal oxide NPs may require particular attention, and it is important to distinguish effects of NPs from dissolved metals when assessing the toxicity of metal oxide NPs.

Nematodes are the most abundant metazoa in soil and their function is critical in the soil food web. Nematodes interact closely with other soil organisms and their activity affects primary production, decomposition, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. In natural ecosystems, nematode abundance and community structure analyses were proved to be sensitive indicators of stress caused by soil pollutants and ecological disturbance.



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