For AFM (atomic force microscopy) analysis, Park NX 10equipment was used. The AFM head is easily inserted or removed by sliding it along a dovetail rail. This automatically locks the head into its pre-aligned position and connects it to the control electronics with a positioning repeatability of a few microns. Here, the microscope is equipped with comprehensive range of scanning modes for collecting a wide array of data types accurately and efficiently. AFM testing was performed for investigating Al–4.5%Cu–xTiB2composite behavior corresponding to different TiB2concentrations within the composite. Here, Fig.1 a–c represents the surface featuring the worn-out area of the composite sample due to abrasive wearing during pin-on-disk experimentation.
It depicts the micro-plowing done by the abrasive grit particles on the 3% TiB2 reinforced composite. The figure also shows the section for which the surface roughness values have been recorded. This gives the impression that for 3% TiB2reinforcement in the aluminum metal matrix, the average surface roughness is discovered to be more than that found within 6% and 9% composite samples. The maximum surface roughness peak achieved (hmax= 1.50lm), as shown in Fig.1c, is due to the steep side deep groove formation which may have occurred due to the axial overload during sliding. The severe wearing of the composite sample can be ascribed to the rise in actual contact area among the sample surface and abrasive. Subsequently, the flow stress with respect to wear surface and abrasive is reduced, leading to the matrix receiving maximum indentation from the abrasive particles, producing high friction coefficient value and groove width, as shown in Fig.1c, respectively. Also, Fig.1d–f and g–i represents the surfaces featuring the worn-out area of the composite samples due to micro-plowing phenomenon. Here, the observations show that the average surface roughness for 6% TiB2 composite sample is more than that found in the 9% composite sample. This leads to the interpretation that as the percentage composition of TiB2in the metal matrix alloy increases, the effect of micro-plowing is reduced by some factor.

Fig. 1 Surface topography for abrasive plowed surface of: (i) 3%TiB2composite (1000 m sliding distance, 10 N applied load), where:a2-D topography,b3-D isometric view, andcsurface roughness linear profile corresponding to section in (a); (ii) 6%TiB2composite (1000 m sliding distance, 10 N applied load), where:d2-D topography,e3-D isometric view, andfsurface roughness linear profile corresponding to section in (d); (iii) 9%TiB2composite (1000 m sliding distance, 10 N applied load), where:g2-D topography,h3-D isometric view, andisurface roughness linear profile corresponding to section in (g)