Extensive work has been done by Joshi et al. which applied the concept of hybrid precursor for the deposition of composite coatings, its depositions were performed by injecting the solution and powder separately.
Here, a new approach was used, in which the liquid dispersant and the solids particles of 7YSZ are injected in a single step. Beyond that, the liquid dispersant is a part of the deposition process, once it is a precursor of SiO2. This is possible because the liquid solution (Si(OH)4) is a precursor of silicon dioxide (SiO2), having an active role in the deposition, and not only performing the function of transport of the dispersed particles. In this process, the components of the coatings are formed both in the plasma-substrate interaction (SiC, for example), by the interaction of plasma with the liquid precursor (silicon oxides), and the ZrSiO4due to the interaction of formed solid SiO2 (from Si(OH4)) and ZrO2(from 7YSZ). This method allows the deposition of SiO2coatings with a dispersion of zirconium oxide (ZrO2) particles (and their oxides). For better visualization, a schematic drawing of the deposition process with a hybrid precursor is demonstrated in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the deposition process using the hybrid precursor concept.