Fig. 1 illustrates that TiO2 and Ti3+/TiO2 coating layer growth on the surface of NCM-622 particle. First, tetrabutyl titanate was hydrolyzed to Ti(OH)4 and C16H36OH in the ethanol solvent, then Ti(OH)4 was converted into TiO2 under calcination. The reaction mechanism is as Eqs.(1) and (2):
C16H36O4Ti+4H2O→Ti(OH)4+C16H36OH (1)
Ti(OH)4→TiO2+H2O (2)
Formation of Ti3+/TiO2 coating was through hydrogen heat treatment. In this time an oxygen vacancy was formed on the TiO2 coating that could hold excess electrons.

Fig. 1. Schematic illustrations of the TiO2 and Ti3+/TiO2 coating layer growth on the surface of NCM-622 particle.