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Corrosion Resistance of Cr-bearing Rebar to Macrocell Corrosion Caused by Concrete Cover Crack

Time:2013-01-30 18:40:07  From:ISIJ International  Author:Sung-Ho TAE, Han-Seung LEE, Ta

 Corrosion Resistance of Cr-bearing Rebar to Macrocell Corrosion Caused by Concrete Cover Crack

Sung-Ho TAE, Han-Seung LEE, Takafumi NOGUCHI
ISIJ International
   Articial cracks were made in the cover concrete of specimens embedding ten types of steel rebars hav- ing different Cr contents with the aim of developing Cr-bearing steel rebars resistant to macrocell corrosion environments induced by cracking in cover concrete. The cracks were subjected to intensive penetration of carbon dioxide (carbonation specimens) and chloride ions (chloride attack specimens) to form macrocells. Both groups of specimens were then subjected to accelerated corrosion curing, during which the macrocell corrosion current density was measured. The corrosion area and corrosion loss were also measured at the end of 105 cycles of this accelerated curing. In a macrocell corrosion environment induced by localized car- bonation, the minimum Cr content of rebars required for corrosion resistance was 7%. Rebars with a Cr content of 11% were proven corrosion-resistant in a chloride ion concentration macrocell with a concentra- tion difference of not more than 3 kg/m3.
Keywords:Cr-bearing rebar; Corrosion resistance; Crack; Carbonation; macrocell corrosion; chloride attack.
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