Microstructural, Corrosion Behavior and Microhardness of Plasma Sprayed W-Ni Composite Coatings
MORKS Magdi F., FAHIM Narges. F., KOBAYASHI Akira
Transactions of JWRI
Commercial tungsten powder of average particle size 12 m has been mixed with 10 Wt. % Ni powder and plasma sprayed on SUS304 stainless steel substrate by using a gas-tunnel type plasma spraying system. W-Ni coatings have been sprayed at different Ar plasma gas flow rates of 120, 150 and 170 l/min and different Ar carrier gas flow rates of 5, 8 and 10 l/min. The microstructure and phase structure of the sprayed coatings were investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction...More (XRD) and electron dispersive spectrometer (EDX). Corrosion tests were performed for the sprayed W Ni coatings in 3.5 % NaCl solution using polarization measurements. It was found that the Ni-W coatings formed at higher Ar-gas flow rate are more resistant to corrosion. A more positive value of the corrosion potential and a lower value of the corrosion current are observed for coatings sprayed at higher Ar-gas flow rate.
keywords:Plasma spraying; Microstructure; Corrosion resistance; Hardness; W-Ni Coatings