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Effect of Coating Process Condition on High-Temperature Oxidation and Mechanical Failure Behavior for Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating Systems

Time:2012-10-14 08:13:37  From:Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering  Author:Satoru TAKAHASHI, Masayuki YOS

Effect of Coating Process Condition on High-Temperature Oxidation and Mechanical Failure Behavior for Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coating Systems

Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering

In order to clarify the thermal and / or mechanical failure behavior of the plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating (TBC) system in connection with their coating characteristics depending on the coating process condition, two kinds of the failure analytical tests were conducted for TBC systems processed under different conditions. One was the high-temperature oxidation test, which was conducted at 1100oC under both the isothermal and thermal cycle conditions. The other was the in-situ observation of mechanical failure behavior, which was conducted under the static loadings at ambient temperature; as the most fundamental aspect, by means of an optical microscopy. It was found that the thermal and mechanical failure behavior of TBC system depends strongly on the top-coat (TC) / bond-coat (BC) interfacial condition, the reheat-treatment (RHT) after spraying and so on. For the TBC system with vacuum plasma sprayed (VPS) BC as well as for that with atmospheric plasma sprayed (APS) BC, in particular, the RHT at an appropriate temperature in Ar atmosphere was found to be effective for improving the oxidation property. For the TBC system with APS-BC, however, it was impossible to prevent the crack growth into the BC interior under the tensile loading in spite of conducting the RHT, since the microdefects such as oxides within the APS-BC tend to provide an easy crack propagation path. Furthermore, it was clarified that the smoothening process on the BC surface is able to prevent perfectly the occurrence of the wart-like oxide during oxidation, but at the same time increases also the risk of the TC spalling under the mechanical loading.

keywords:Thermal barrier coating; High-temperature oxidation; Failure Analysis; Plasma spraying; In-situ observation; Thermally grown oxide; Coating Processing


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