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Micro-Metallurgy of Splats: Theory, Computer Simulation and Experiment

Time:2012-09-15 08:20:40  From:JSME International Journal  Author:Oleg Pavlovich SOLONENKO, Vlad

Micro-Metallurgy of Splats: Theory, Computer Simulation and Experiment

Oleg Pavlovich SOLONENKO, Vladimir Vladimirovich KUDINOV, Andrey Vladimirovich SMIRNOV, Anatoly Nikolaevich CHEREPANOV, Vladimir Nikolaevich POPOV, Alexander Anatol yevich MIKHALCHENKO
JSME International Journal

abstract:Over the last one and half decades the constantly growing interest to a problem of rapid solidifying the melted micro-droplets of various materials at their impact with a surface has been marked. This phenomenon is at the basis of many tech- nologies, such as plasma, detonation and ame spraying, arc spray, spray casting, micro-atomization of powders, solder-drop-printing in microelectronic, making the microcrystal and amorphous materials, and producing the high-temperature super- conductors. The system micro-droplet substrate is very suitable for a physical materials science in studies of the non-equilibrium phase diagrams of different alloys and composite materials under extreme conditions. Practically speaking we have dealings with independent scientic and technological line of investigation micro- metallurgy of a small volume of melt at its collision with an obstacle surface or, in other words, splats micro-metallurgy. The paper presented is devoted to a brief review of theoretical, computational and experimental investigations carried out by composite authors during the last decade.

keywords:Micro-Droplet; Solidification; Cooling; Substrate; Melt; Spreading; Splat formation; Collision


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