Thermal cycling behavior of La_2Ce_2O_7/8YSZ double-ceramic-layer thermal barrier coatings prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying
Ma, W. ;Dong, H. ;Guo, H. ;Gong, S. ;Zheng, X.
Surface & Coatings Technology
The La_2Ce_2O_7/8YSZ double-ceramic-layer thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) system, which is prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS), is found to have a much longer lifetime compared with the single layer La_2Ce_2O_7 system under the burner rig test. The double-ceramic-layer coating structure design can effectively alleviate the thermal expansion mismatch between the La_2Ce_2O_7 coating and the bondcoat. The failure mechanism of the La_2Ce_2O_7/8YSZ double-ceramic-layer coating is mainly due to the sintering of the La_2Ce_2O_7 coating surface during thermal cycling.
keywords:Atmospheric plasma spraying Lanthanum Cerium Oxide Thermal barrier coatings Thermal cycling